Wednesday 11 December 2013

Narrative Structure of Warm Bodies

Narrative Structures of Typical Zombie Films

First film;Warm Bodies (2013)
The Zom-Rom of 2013!
Warm bodies is a supernatural romance that shows the consumers that not every supernatural film is following the Twilight saga idea. This flesh-eating zombie production begins to show its narration within the first four minutes of the film by the voice over.  Even though the film shows the flesh eating zombies and the main character eating brains and attacking people the audience, thanks to the narrative voice over, also gives the film more of a romantic and comedy feel rather than horror which is why this film appeals to teenagers effectively.

Following the typical Propps theory of characters, we can easily see what characters represent specific roles:
The Hero – R
The Villain – Julies Dad Grigio/Bonies
The Helper – M
The Princess/prize – Julie
Her Father – Grigio
The Donor – Julie
Let us not forget that the film portrays Julie as being able to stick up for herself and surviving, which isn’t what the typical princess or prize conventions usually show.  Each character type comes with already made expectations thanks to the fairy tales they were collected from. The princess or prize is usually shown as the “damsel in distress.” Which could be a reason why it appeals to all teens because not only does it have romance and supernatural aspects but also showing that not all girls wait for a hero to help them; that they can actually help themselves.
This film however doesn’t follow Todorov’s equilibrium theory where the main protagonist (R) doesn’t actually start out by living a happy life as the theory suggests. For starters he’s actually started off as a zombie.  His is the voice of the first person narration in the beginning.
The voice over is in a simple teens voice sharing with the viewers the thoughts of this main character; giving the audience a surprise as usually zombies are seen as being the enemy.
The voice-over narration portrays the hero’s sensitivity "I just want to connect," accompanying footage of R stumbling around an abandoned airport on an ordinary undead day, among his fellow zombies in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Then when he starts to play a vinyl we get the first glimpse that he is different to the other zombies and we see is nostalgic nature. Like other films with romance it shows us the main character just yearns for company.

"I should take better care of myself," says the amnesiac narrator "why can't I connect with people? Oh right, im dead." Here the director shows its going to be a lot different to his last production of Night of the Living Dead. On the outside hes a guy with wary internal monologue but on the outside, he's seen as a bundle of groans and awkward eye contact moments. This twist on the whole idea of zombies shows the audience that they shouldnt stereotype the zombies as being completely emotionless. There's a new idea now.


Warm bodies is Romeo & Juliet and zombies, only better.
Lauren Davis (I09MOVIEREVIEW) 21/03/13

It reminds me of the rather nasty-cool runnign gag in Shaun of the Dead - Shaun doesnt even notice the apocalypse. Seems like just another day, which is similar to how R shows his life has been within the first few minutes.
Craig Michael 02/01/13

None the less in reviews many have called this the “downfall of the zombie genre.” Ari Carr (2013) Warm Bodies Review [online]. Available from 11 December 2013  Ari Carr believed that it was a copy of Twilight, and so nicknamed it the “Zombie Twilight” which can put many off watching this film because the narrative reflects more of the romance in the film than what is expected of the typical narrative of a supernatural.
I think im resistant to the idea that zombies can be anything other than brainless eaters. The whole "You just ate my ex-boyfriends brain but i think im falling in love with you" premise kind of turns me off the idea.

Annadream1L            04/01/13

This is the dumbest thing i have seen since Twilight came out. But im still morbidly curious to see it...i'll probably check it out on DVD before I rush to the cinema to see it.
mewmew_341L         12/01/13

Why would anyone pay to go to the movies to see this film when they showed the entire movie in the trailer? Expected more.
Obos1L                        08/01/13


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